Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, 2-28-11

Monday, 2-28-11

Today we went to the motion-capture lab in Wean Hall to do some work with the guys there (who are actually on Pixar’s payroll). We took turns having little reflective marks stuck all over our bodies, and then were recorded moving around as our animals in front of the 16 infra-red motion capture cameras.

This was really cool because motion-capture is being used increasingly often with special effects in film and television… and video games and animation and so on. It’s going to play a big part in our careers. It’s important to remember that we’ll have to be comfortable with that to get work. But it’s also important to know that it’s not going to take our jobs away.

There’s a growing fear (and to my mind a largely unfounded fear) that technology and animation is going to completely replace and render obsolete actors. As computing power rises exponentially, theoretically hiring technicians and animators will become more and more feasible. Eventually, the question is asked, wouldn’t actors just be left out of the process? Once animation is no longer distinguishable from live-action, wouldn’t actors be left out of the digital film world?

Well. No. And here’s why:

1. Technicians and animators like working with actors. They prefer it to just coming up with stuff on their own, and they’re happy to admit that in interviews. They get a lot of good ideas from actors (as happened with Andy Serkis’s work in Lord of the Rings), and it makes their jobs easier. Any time collaboration is preferable to working alone, you know that the people who are collaborating won’t be out of work.

(This is from King Kong. Notice the marks on his Serkis's face)

2. Even if hiring technicians becomes less and less expensive, and hiring actors for huge sums of money becomes less and less attractive, it still doesn’t make economic sense that an actor would ever be paid less than a technician or animator. If anything, the technology rise may just equalize the paychecks, as actors and animators become more closely tied in importance and in the process.

3. Even if you somehow denied my first two points, audiences like having names to attach to faces. Or at least names to attach to voices. Something purely synthetic, a hypothetical movie created by a design team and director without any actors, would have less “character appeal” in the media. I’d imagine, at least, that because individual characters can’t be tied to individual performers, there would be less identification and a corresponding loss in fan-base, which isn’t good for business. So there would still be a financial incentive to at least hire a few voice actors.

So those are a few of my thoughts on the digital revolution in technology. It’s a really interesting shift that’s going to be changing the business quite a lot, but not in negative ways. And it certainly won’t endanger my future career so long as I stay flexible and mindful of the technological nuances of the job at hand.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, 2-25-11

Friday, 2-25-11

So today was the Formal Dance. What an experience. I have lots to say about what happened, so bear with me.

This morning I cut myself shaving. Very very badly. Right along my jaw line near my chin. I put a band-aid on it and saddled up to go to Purnell, and on the way I thought about the possibility of using it somehow. I figured Lawrence would legitimately be pretty upset that he had cut himself shaving that day, and that might be fun to play with. But then when I was getting ready, Rachel suggested that it would be cool if someone had punched me, and I thought about that for a bit and realized it might be a really interesting choice if someone had called Lawrence a fag on the way to the dance and hit him because of his clothes. So instead of removing the band-aid and cleaning myself up, that’s what I had in the back of my mind. I only told people if they asked, but I committed to that being what happened before I got there, and that turned out to be a remarkably influential choice.

Most noticeably, when Taylor Rose’s mandrill-based character, Nikki (who swears and picks fights with everyone), criticized my attire, I got really emotional. Surprisingly emotional. And I wasn’t faking it. It immediately recalled “memories” of the fictional event that had happened before, where someone hit me because of my flamboyant garb. I felt this deep need to wrest an explanation from Nikki, and repeated to Mimi (Nicky Roble’s elephant) that “I haven’t done anything to her!” This brought me to approach Nikki a couple more times throughout the dance trying to talk to her and understand her and get her to apologize or something.

Though the dance got quite chaotic at times, it really did not seem too far from the truth of what a community organized event like that might feel like, with lots of different age groups and social backgrounds represented. Certainly, it was heightened, but the environment was incredibly genuine, and my responses were correspondingly realistic. In part, it also goes back to the same thing that happened with Watering Hole, where the overall commitment level of everyone in the room enhanced the exercise’s effectiveness for everyone.

Lawrence was several times called upon to try and restore order in the chaos as a member of the Entertainment Committee and thus acting as a sort of events coordinator. This was not always so successful though. During the dancing competition, for example, when I tried to tag out Michael McGuire’s lion, James, and Michelle’s elephant, James just responded. “No. Let the lady dance.” …and I backed off. There’s a pecking order that had to be remembered, and that was inherent in the physicality and psychology of all our animal characters.

One thing I struggled with was the accent work. I kept slipping between a more German sounding accent and the Italian I was striving towards. Barbara even asked me “Are you German?” …Oops. Oh well. I should’ve worked harder on solidifying the accent. As it was, it was sort of ‘generopean.’ Physically though I felt really good about what I was doing. I was very spinally oriented, I didn’t do too much with my hands, and I incorporated flamingo-esque undulations of the head, neck, and spine as well as other gestures like foot tapping and angular leg movements.

Something else that helped with the physicality though was at a mid-point in the dance when Barbara told us all to “drop into your animal characters,” and suddenly the room was filled with howling, cawing, and curious beasts. After a few minutes, we were told to resume our human characters, and Patrick Wilson observed that this helped us all with the specificity of our characters. It certainly helped me. Patrick said that in particular it helped connect us more with our lower halves, which were weaker in the first half of the dance.

Oh yeah, Patrick Wilson was there. It’s no big deal; he’s just kind of a famous actor. Oh Carnegie Mellon.

Anyway, let’s talk notable highlights of the dance. There was the dance competition, after which we named the winners (Kyle Selig’s brooding condor and Michael Campayno’s ex-con gorilla) kings of the dance. Antonio’s gorilla character, Terrel, also rapped, and the Entertainment Committee performed a loosely choreographed dance that we rehearsed last night. That was fun. The dance competition is particularly noteworthy because it’s such a cut and dry example of winning and losing… or, well, mostly losing. Each time a couple got out, their reactions were different. Some would argue, some would cry, some would accept it with dignity. But when the loss finally came, they had to accept it. As actors, we have to know when our characters lose and we have to embrace that and let it affect us as profoundly as possible.

The biggest surprise of the dance though was at the very end, when the final dance was interrupted by Kyle Selig, Michael Campayno, Antonio, and Carl bursting in with guns and holding us up. Nobody knew about this before it happened besides them and the teachers. They made us get down on our hands and knees and empty our pockets, and then they ran out. Everyone was shocked. It was a very intense moment. I went to the loudspeaker and asked that we gather all the kids in the center of the room to do a headcount and make sure we weren’t missing anyone. In retrospect I think this was one of the best character moments for Lawrence, since flamingos are very much invested in children and protecting their young. And I didn’t think about it at all, it was just the first thing I said to get people back on track after the robbery. Then one of the security officers came in and explained that they’d gotten away, but that the situation was under control, and Sandra said that she’d caught the whole event on video-tape (Sandra is Andrea’s lizard character; she’s super creepy and just carries around a camcorder all the time).

After that, we lay down and relaxed out of our animal characters, and got together to discuss the whole event.

The discussion was pretty brief since we were running out of time and still needed to clean up the room, but a lot of interesting stuff was said. Taylor talked about how important it was for her character to have an objective instead of just being randomly destructive, and she noticed how after she decided she wanted to make a friend and found this difficult for her character to do, she became very morose and upset. Carl talked about how bad he felt betraying the other members of the Security team when they staged the robbery, and how cool it was to have that in the back of his mind for the entire dance. It’s like what Michael Shurtleff says about always having a secret, and letting that add depth and intrigue to your performance. That was their secret. And that whole thing was pure genius. They came up with it themselves too and just asked Matt if it was okay; and it was perfect.

One final note about Lawrence (for today—I’m sure there will be further discussion on Monday): We were asked to consider character arcs, and for me, there’s been an interesting arc across this whole process. From the get-go of creating a human character, I resolved that I was not going to make the flamingo A) a girl or B)necessarily gay. I felt those were both very stereotypical choices. There’s no reason why flamingos are particularly intrinsically girlish or gay in and of themselves. They have both males and females and predominantly have life-long heterosexual mating relationships. They’re a pretty close analogue to human society’s concept of the nuclear family. But of course, across the whole process, I got a lot of surprised looks. At first, “Wait, he’s not a girl?” and later, “Wait, he’s not gay?” To quote Legally Blonde: The Musical… “is he gay, or European?” Well, I don’t know. At the end of the day maybe he’s just sexually fluid. I didn’t really care and I didn’t want that to be a defining characteristic of who he was. But it often felt like I was fighting a losing battle.

In the end though, I had the right instinct, I think. If I had chosen to make Lawrence a girl, or gay, I would have gotten caught up in “playing a girl” or “playing gay” instead of making more specific, non-general choices. It would be the same if I was playing an overtly gay character. I should never go into a job like that thinking, “okay, I need to play gay.” I should instead be thinking of what defines him as a human being specifically, his movement, his vocal pattern, his psychology, etc. Which is exactly what we did with our animals and what I did with Lawrence.

So yeah, Lawrence ended up looking and acting a little stereotypically gay. Was he gay? I don’t know. After the hold-up, there was one final slow dance to “calm everyone down,” and it was suggested that if anyone looked like they needed comforting, we should help them. Brian Pettitt-Schieber’s French dance-diva guy, Jackson, was pretty upset by the robbery, and I saw him, and we danced. So maybe this traumatic event allowed Lawrence to get in touch with a latent side of his sexuality. Or maybe they were just meant to be great friends. In a way, Jackson really is Lawrence’s soul-mate among all our characters. He’s the only other true artiste, and Lawrence would certainly admire that sense of vision and propriety.

But overall, I’m just really happy with how Lawrence turned out. I’m sad to say goodbye, because as we’ve also discovered through this project, there are ALWAYS more layers to a given character. There are always more facets to explore. Because every discovery, choice, or assumption you make about a character or person leads to a bunch of other questions. So you’ve never completely explored a role.

But every show comes to an end. And every exercise. This one was particularly interesting, and led me to very deep places in my process. I had a really awesome experience with it, and I’m excited to use animal work in the future. But, having said all this, I must now say that even if I haven’t finished Lawrence, I am finished with Lawrence. =]


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, 2-23-11

Wednesday, 2-23-11

So Lawrence brought his laundry to Acting class today to fold it. We were supposed to rehearse an internal dialogue for our character doing some sort of activity, and I spent just about fifteen minutes going over it the night before. Essentially he’s trying to pick out a possible outfit for a hypothetical first date as he folds the clothes. We ran through these several times with various instructions from Matt. First, as rehearsed, then at full-voice, as loud as we possibly could. Then full-voice, but no longer shouting. Then whispering, but without losing intensity. Then silent, with only a few words blurting out. Then we left our space and interacted with each other, speaking our internal opinions out loud, and then confining them and saying something else while still being aware of the internal dialogue as we interacted.

All of this is a complex way of saying we worked on the interplay between external and internal life. But it was a very effective exercise! Good acting has a lot to do with knowing what your character is saying and what your character is thinking and what the difference is. Maintaining either an external life or an internal life doesn’t work, it just collapses into two dimensions. So it’s vital to keep both active.

By externalizing my internal life entirely (I think I called someone a disaster of a person), and then re-internalizing it, I became more aware of my opinions about everyone I was talking to. This relates back to endowments, which we did first semester. Through interactions with others Lawrence has already begun to endow certain people with positive and negative characteristics. Taylor Rose’s mandrill character is aggressive and violently rude to pretty much everyone, so it’s reasonable to say that Lawrence will avoid her on Friday. And if they do talk, you can bet he’ll be thinking some pretty nasty things about her, even if what he says is defensive or placating.

After we talked about this work, the other classes joined us in character and we split off into our committees for Friday. We spent the rest of the class in this way, planning for the dance, and talking to other committees when necessary. Lawrence is on the Entertainment committee along with Jacques (I think? Brian’s heron guy), Angel (a naked mole-rat), Sandra (Andrea’s lizard), and Stetson. Once put into an organizational and functional sort of facility, a lot of new interesting information came out about certain characters. I was shocked, for example, by how much of a control freak Jacques became. I would never have guessed, but once I had surrendered up my pen and notebook to him I had a very difficult time getting it back. It’s perfect, actually, because herons are far more solitary creatures than flamingos. But that negative side of it didn’t come out until we actually had a task to attend to.

One note: It was difficult working with Brian because his French accent kept influencing my accent. I kept noticing my Italian slipping into French and had to consciously snap back into it. But that’ll get better with time. Just requires focus.

I had dinner as Lawrence again yesterday, though I didn’t today. And when we meet again with the Music Committee tomorrow I’ll be in character as well. We’re also choreographing a small dance routine and Jacques is giving dance classes tomorrow evening in prep for Friday. Should be fun!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, 2-21-11

Monday, 2-21-11

Today in Acting we watched the rest of our classmates’ Private Moments. Brian, Andrea, Taylor, and Michael Reep went. Brian in particular did a fantastic job of taking Matt’s note from the previous semester—that he should take more time in preparation and allow the moment when he trips to actually affect him more profoundly. This he certainly did. Brian maintained a “blue steel”-esque mask incredibly well, which was surprisingly effective for his blue heron character, and his dancing was simple and specific to his bird. When he fell, he channeled that sense of the wounded animal superbly, and hobbled off with every scrap of dignity he could muster. So much was revealed about his character from this performance. We saw him in his element, enjoying the groove, and we saw him recovering from a setback. We knew exactly who he was.

That’s what needs to be aspired to—finding the highs and lows and committing to each in order to most accurately communicate a character to the audience. I also still need to work on keeping the mask alive in my human character.

Another thing we’ve been talking about in class is how important it is to prepare for this work. Matt has noted that in a lot of exercises in class (such as General Hospital, for example) it takes us one or two go-rounds to warm up and really sink into the character. With that in mind, it’s clear that I need to step up my outside preparation. Matt suggested that each of us do at least 15 minutes of in character improv by ourselves or with others every day this week before Friday, and I definitely hope to live up to that.

Today for dinner, Sam and Kyle and I went to wing night as our characters, and that was certainly helpful. I found, though, that my attention was focused distinctly inward, as I kept thinking about what I was doing, how I was doing it, and how I was speaking. I’m trying out the Italian accent, for one thing, and I need to practice that a LOT more for it to feel natural. That being said, there were a lot of nice reactions to what JP or Stetson said, which didn’t feel forced or contrived at all. I just need to keep practicing and exercising as Lawrence until I maximize that sort of natural receptiveness to outside stimulus and minimize the amount of inward self-analysis.

The other thing we did for Acting today was we went around and shared the three songs we picked for our animals. Lawrence’s playlist included the final song from Don Giovanni, Fidelity by Regina Spektor, and Anything for You by Ludo. I think the three nicely contrast and add to each other: Don Giovanni provides for the grand, dramatic opera-lover in him; Fidelity is his gentler, tidy, stylish and put-together side; and Anything for You represents his unabashed social drive and his hopes of finding a life-partner.

(Lawrence rises from his morning bath.)

Lawrence has signed up to be on the Entertainment Committee for Friday’s dance. I’m thinking the Entertainment Committee should meet in character to discuss plans and prepare.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, 2-18-11

Friday, 2-18-11

Again, I’m a little late posting this. I’d better kick that habit.

On Friday in Acting we began with job interviews carried out by Matt Gray who collected our animal-characters’ resumes and asked us a few questions one at a time. It was a great way of warming up because it gave me plenty of time to get into character. I tried doing an Italian accent for the interview and wasn’t too impressed with it, myself, but Matt actually said it was fine. Just a hint of it is really all that’s needed to get the point across.

After the job interviews, we performed our private moments again. We didn’t get through all of them, but I went, and several others as well. In general, everyone was doing a great job taking the note of letting the animal do more of the work, being in that “animal brain” mindset for more of the interactions. In particular, Ashley Twomey and Zanny Laird were doing really nice, specific work that was far more effective than it had been in the initial performance. Ashley was far more fidgety and externally oriented (though blind) which was great for her naked mole rat character; and Zanny was kind of thrilling to watch in how completely feline every action became, right down to the way she ate gummy candies and consumed an energy drink.

As for me, I was much happier with my private moment the second time around. I took much more time with it, for a start, which helped. And even while setting up the scene I came upon new ideas, just thinking about the furniture with the animal’s mindset. For instance when I moved the piano bench in, I thought, “he wouldn’t ever sit on a piano bench,” and so instead he quite naturally just stood over the piano and kicked the bench out of the way when he played a few dramatic chords. I preened and examined myself with spinally oriented twists and turns after undressing, and focused much more on the legs than on the arms, and all that helped a lot. I was extremely confident in the work I did and felt much better about it afterwards, which just shows how much taking the notes you’re given and running with them can help. I spent about an hour Thursday night going over my notes and rehearsing for the next day.

Costume wise, Lawrence (he’s now Lawrence instead of Florence, since Florence from Florence is just too corny) is getting more eccentric by the minute. But it works. And it’s nice that it’s far out enough that just the act of getting dressed up like him puts me in the mindset of the character, which is a nice place to get to with one’s costume.

We’ll be doing the rest of the private moments on Monday, and I also need to bring in 3 songs that I think are fitting for my animal character. That will be fun. I’m thinking opera will be appropriate for at least one of them.